SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '348lPYN8IBYLevLvryrKra5jQmMiTyOWVImzmAxpbhD0xPZB9sDkUnEA3VZhH7oz' for key 'clients_session.sid' Musica Prima | Artists


Loussiné Haroutounian was born in Yerevan, Armenia in 1989. She enters the Yerevan Conservatory of Music "Komitas" in the class of Gagik Smbatyan. She successively obtained her Bachelor degree in 2011 and the Master of Performer in 2013. Between 2010 and 2013 she is a member of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra. Subsequently, she participated in many masterclasses with Ivry Gitlis, Zakhar Bron, Boris Brovtzyn, Svetlin Roussev, Jean-Marc Phillips-Varjabedian, Stephanie-Marie Degand, Jeanne-Marie Conquer, the Tokyo Quartet ... and she regularly plays as a soloist with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia. 
Loussiné Haroutounian is laureate of several national and international competitions (Tadeusz Wronski in Warsaw, Concours de Malte, Aram Khachatourian in Yerevan ...). In 2017, she graduated from the School of Music of Sion, class of Pavel Vernikov, then immediately joined the class of Svetlin Roussev at the University of Music of Geneva. 
Loussiné Haroutounian leads a career as a violinist-soloist and chamber musician. She has already played in the USA, the Russian Federation, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany ... 
Very interested in the music of today, Loussiné plays the works of Penderecki, Tanguy, Mulsant, Berio, Dorman, Pärt, Lutoslawski, Gasparov, Meyer, Mantovani, Canat de Chizy ...
Loussiné Haroutounian made her debut at Carnegie Hall in New York in 2017.
She plays a violin loaned by Gilles Chancereuil.

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Loussiné Haroutounian
